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Hisuian Typhlosion Raid Day

  Hisuian Typhlosion Raid Day #0157 Type: Fire/Ghost Said to purify lost, forsaken souls with its flames and guide them to the afterlife. How's it goin' everyone. We're going back in time in Hisui with the debut of Hisuian Typhlosion. Typhlosion here gains the ghost typing making it look pretty badass. I'll be going over the event bonuses and a brief overview of the best counters Time: January 14 Sunday from 2-5 PM local time SHINY CHANCE 🌟  Bonuses: Receive up to 5 additional free raid passes from spinning gyms Increased shiny chances 🌟 Increased remote raid limit to 20 from January 13th at 4 PM to the 14th at 7 PM local time Event ticket is 5$ and grants 8 extra raid passes, increased XL candy chance, 50% more XP from raids, and 2x stardust from raids Bonuses in effect for the ticket on the 14th from 2-10 PM local time Region: Hisui Weaknesses: Water, Ground, Dark, Ghost, Rock Resistances: Normal, Fire, Grass, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Bug, Steel, and Fairy Megas to ev

New Year's PvP

New Year's 2024 PvP Pokemon


Howdy, Trainers! Releasing a quick look at the PvP Pokemon you'll most likely want to recruit into your arsenal for this event


First up, we got Jigglypuff. Wigglytuff is definitely a Pokemon you'll want to have in your arsenal with the buff it got in having the move Icy Wind. With the right team composition, Wigglytuff can put a lot of pressure on your opponents. Could possibly have some play in limited metas such as the upcoming Love Cup in February for Valentines. 

Great League- Wigglytuff ranks #87 with Charm, Icy Wind, and Disarming Voice

Little Holiday Cup- Ranks #8 with the same moveset

Fantasy Cup(Starting January 12)- Ranks #34 same moveset

Rank 1 IV: 0/15/12

Party Hat Noctowl

Noctowl in general is still good in the Great League meta. Although it lacks the same pressure it once had before or it got nerfed(sky attack takes more energy to get to), it's not absolete. It's tankiness is what gives it some play in the meta. Give em a try if you're looking to try something different from the meta. Some of its favorable matchups include Lickitung, Whiscash, and Azumarill.

Great League- Noctowl ranks #129 with Wing Attack, Sky Attack, and Shadow Ball

Rank 1 IV: 1/14/15

Bronzor and Bronzong

Bronzor is also another Pokemon to keep an eye on. A literal brick wall in the Little League, Bronzor can wreck to teams if they're not prepared. Bronzor won't be making any appearances in the upcoming cups, but definitely recommend keeping one just in case it is available in a future cup. While not as meta, Bronzong is just as tanky in its own right. Some of its favorable matchups include Cresselia, Virizion, and Poliwrath.

Ultra League- Bronzong ranks better here at #233 as XL with Confusion, Psyshock, and Payback

Fantasy Cup- Ranks #87 with same moveset 

Rank 1 IV: 1/15/14


That's all for now. I do recommend if you guys decide to raid, to keep your Charmanders and Gengars. While they won't come with their exclusive moves, you can always wait for an upcoming event to evolve them with the exclusive move or use an Elite TM. Gengar is just insane as a Raid attacker and better off with Shadow Punch for Go Battle League. As for Charizard, you'll definitely want Wing Attack and Blast Burn for GBL. It ranks pretty high in the Ultra League at #28 and #132 in the Great League.

That's all for now. Until next time Trainers! ✌


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